Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Three Natural Remedies For Treating Osteo Or Rheumatoid Arthritis

When it comes to the treatment of either osteo or rheumatoid arthritis generally a doctor will prescribe medication to help relieve the symptoms associated with these diseases. However, the problem with many prescription medications is that they cause unwanted side effects in the users. Instead it is worth considering using natural remedies for Arthritis of which there are many available.

In fact in this article we are going to take a look at just some of the kinds of natural remedies available for helping to treat arthritis. So in the future you may find yourself having far less pain and joint stiffness and swelling to contend with.

Natural Remedy 1 - Fish Oil

This contains the Omega 3 fatty acid and which contains properties that can help to reduce the inflammation caused by this disease. This type of natural remedy should especially be used by those people who suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis. However, you must make sure that the type of fish oil supplement you take is one that has been molecularly distilled. This will ensure that all the impurities in the original fish oil such as mercury; lead and PCB's have been removed.

Natural Remedy 2 - Alfalfa (Medicavo Sativa)

This particular remedy contains large amounts of minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium all of these have a neutralizing effect on the blood. Plus you will find that it works wonders at helping to remove toxins from the body as well. However, as this particular remedy contains amino acid it is recommended that it only be taken in tea form and three to four cups can be drunk each day for a period of two weeks. Then you need to stop drinking the tea for a week before then drinking it again for two weeks. Again this particular remedy contains properties that along with reducing stiffnes to the joints improve their flexibility.

Natural Remedy 3 - Garlic

For many centuries now this has proven a very effective natural remedy for many diseases and infections. The garlic contains a substance known as allicin which has anti inflammatory properties and so helps again to bring down the swelling and reduce the pain felt. Although you should really take it in its natural form if you don't want to end up with garlic breath then make sure that the garlic tablets you take do contain allicin so they should be the kind where the oil has been extracted from the garlic.

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