"I'm Waiting for My Diagnosis Before I Do Anything."
It astonishes me how many times subscribers to my Healing Auto Immune Disease Newsletter tell me they are not doing anything to help themselves, until their doctor labels them! Is it lupus, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or a long list of other potential disease 'labels', all of which are inflammatory issues that have simple, common sense, safe, no cost solutions to help start the healing process!! This, all the while experiencing painful, even debilitating autoimmune symptoms such as severe fatigue, muscle pain, extreme joint pain/arthritic symptoms, fever, migraines, skin rash, hair loss, kidney issues, (etc).
The first line of defense should never include a 'wait and see what your diagnosis is' approach.
The first line of defense should include an immediate, full out attack on anything that creates inflammation! For example, a lupus diet (anti inflammatory) has shown drastic improvements for most, as do many supplements aimed at realigning the immune systems faulty 'attack' message. These are 2 of the most powerful and simple steps one suffering from an inflammatory disease can do.
Only you, not your physician, must take full responsibility for your health!
Unfortunately, the diagnosis of lupus (and other related autoimmune issues) often take months, more commonly years to diagnose, all the while a simple, natural, and effective healing protocol could have been initiated. Add to this the possibly of avoiding unnecessary hospital visits, future meds, reducing the need for current ones, and avoiding serious, often devastating side effects from prescription drugs and worsened symptoms.
Start a healing regime with natural common sense solutions to wellness that include (but not limited to):
Body- The right food/nutrients that support the healing process with lupus diet do's and don'ts, ensuring healthy digestion and absorption of food particles, supplementation, eliminating toxins, promoting an alkaline internal terrain, etc.
Mind - Stress reduction, Eastern Healing strategies, Self-Healing Visualizations, Power of the Mind/Attitude etc.
Spirit - Faith, Prayer, Meditation, Support from loved ones
...with immediate implementation!
Each of the above is a safe, natural, common sense approach that supports the body in the healing process. (Of course, get the approval of your health specialist with any change to your diet or lifestyle).
As you blast the fire of disease with everything at your disposal, have your team of experts (hopefully this includes a naturopath or alternative health expert in the mix) help you identify the root culprit so you can further target it, once it's been found.
For some it's food/digestion related, for others it's environmental/toxin related, or perhaps it's acute and/or chronic stress (as it was with me), or even meds known to trigger lupus. Many people never find the root cause of their symptoms, yet by implementing the right healing protocol still improve, if not reverse their symptoms.
In the meantime, minimize the fire and keep it from spreading!
Far too many people's 'wait and see' position leads them straight into avoidable flares, even worse, serious long-term health consequences. The sad news is it could have been prevented, or at minimum significantly reduced with a pro-active, common sense natural approach to healing.
Please note, this is not to say there aren't issues specific to disease. Of course there are. However, getting on a natural, healthy protocol is in your favor. Get off the culprits that are known to be harmful to health. White foods (sugar, salt, flour, dairy), fatty foods, processed foods, and alcohol, are just a few common sense 'diet don'ts'.
Fact: The foundational principles for healing is 85% the same for all disease. Therefore, why wait for a label?
Most doctors aren't taught healing methodology. They're expertise is in disease, the diagnosis of it, and utilization of prescription drugs for a symptomatic, treatment approach that suppress symptoms versus heal the root cause. Symptom suppression can be very helpful at times and over short term, however this paradigm is a non-curative approach.
In fact, serious legal issues are now associated with people or institutions making 'curative' claims (even if claims are scientifically substantiated). Recently I was excited to hear a claim from a Canadian University, whose research had found the answer to a common and prevalent deadly disease, only to be silenced, facing potential legal charges despite evidence in their favor.
'Come Back When You're Worse and I'll Put You on Steroids'
When I had lupus and went for my first visit to the Rheumatologist I asked 'What I can I do to help myself heal?' Her response: 'Nothing, come back when you're worse and I'll put you on steroids'.
Swallowing my rage, I then decided to be a bit more specific and asked 'Are there certain foods I should eat or avoid?' I was told 'Eat whatever you like, it makes no difference'. On my third and last attempt to get some identifiable form of support I asked 'Is there something I can do to avoid flares?' to which I was told 'You told me you read a book on lupus didn't you, didn't that answer any of these questions?'
I won't mention my immediate following thought, other than the second one that internally declared I wasn't going to spend my life with lupus, let alone visit this particular 'specialist' again! I have had countless other lupus sufferers complain of the same, irresponsible, unprofessional, and unhelpful response.
The above experience many of us have had with 'Specialists' isn't to say that there aren't doctors who haven't reached outside the medical model and educated themselves in natural, alternative healing protocol. There are countless who have, and are regularly reporting reversing lupus and other serious disease.
The unfortunate thing is they are the exception to the norm, and accessing information is like being on 'the inside' of a well known, but not highly publicized, alternative health movement. It's there, but you need to find it outside of regular channels.
'Many of my patients with autoimmune illnesses (such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and hyperthyroidism) are able to recover and throw away their medications.'
(On healing disease:) 'The result is so spectacular that I am subjected to skepticism and even periodic expressions of anger from other physicians.'
Dr. Fuhrman
Healing Lupus and Autoimmune Disease From the Inside Out, Versus a Treatment Approach That Medicates From the Outside In
If diet matters when we're not ill, it certainly matters even more when we are! In addition, drugs don't cure. They suppress symptoms. They also block the digestive capacity of nutrients, which make it even more difficult for the body to begin to heal. It's a downward spiral effect, where the side effects of drugs often only add to the original problem and often exceed it!
Nutrients, stress, toxins, attitude, all potentially inflammatory, are in our control when we take it upon ourselves to act on it. Our health is NOT in our doctor's hands, it's in ours!
If we sit around and wait for a diagnosis we are victims. Unfortunately, adding insult to injury, sitting around waiting for your doctors diagnosis often leads only to prescription drugs, not to a healing protocol that has the potential to make the quality of your health, and life, a healthy one. Don't wait for a label to start a healing protocol.
For a free consult, and access to a free mini-course on natural healing visit http://www.Healing-Lupus.com
Wishing you and your loved ones only the best, especially in good health!
Stacey Becker
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