Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis: How Homeopathy Treated This Form of Arthritis in Less Than 3 Months

A 47-year-old woman suffered for severe knee pain, which had being going on untreated for three years, gradually getting worse. At this point the pain would spread to her ankles; her knee pain, which was not constant but frequent, would increase when bending her legs or just by sitting down.

Accompanying symptoms were a constantly bloated abdomen, insatiable hunger, cravings for sweets; she was also suffering from pre-menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, sweating, sleep problems, irritability and mood swings, frequent night urination and irregular menstrual cycles.

Despite appearing very confident and claiming to experience no emotional stress, further enquiries revealed a troubled family life (major problems with her ex husband and major problems with her teenage son). When she finally opened up, she revealed her disappointment with her life and preference to be a recluse; unlike the person she used to be, she had not become very irritable and easily angered (psychologically speaking, these two emotional symptoms at times reveal inner disappointment with one's life).

As initial approach and in order to 'treat' the entirety of her symptoms, she was prescribed the constitutional homeopathic remedy named Natrum Muriaticum in the 200c dose, to be taken twice a day for 3 weeks. As already mentioned on other pages, a homeopathic doctor or specialist prescribes not only different remedies to different patients with the same condition, but also in different dosages, depending on their exact cluster of symptoms, disease history, emotional state, personality, attitude to life and so on.

This particular patient, after the three weeks, reported an improvement of her knee pain and a moderate decrease of her other complaints. Because of the improvements, she was prescribed the same homeopathic remedy in the same posology (dosages) for the following four weeks, after which all her symptoms, including her emotional state, had dramatically improved.

A list of homeopathic remedies for Rheumatoid Arthritis is on the page titled ARTHRITIS HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES

1 comment:

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