The number of people that suffer from arthritis continues to grow each year and research continues to not only find the cause but also to find more effective treatments. The pain from arthritis is caused by many different reasons, including inflammation of the tissues that line the joints, the tendons, or ligaments around the joints, and muscle strain. It is something that is very wide-ranging and includes things such as rheumatoid arthritis and even gout.
As of now, medical science has yet to find a cure to arthritis, but there are several treatment methods available to alleviate the symptoms, the most common of which is pain. Most arthritis medication prescribed is over the counter pain relievers and each year, billions of dollars are spent on over-the-counter joint pain selections that offer a wide-range of brand names, methods of treatment, and varying dosages. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are the most common arthritis medications, available in most drugstore shelves, supermarket, and even discount or convenient stores. Prescription medications are also widely available as a therapy option that is often used to treat arthritis. While drugs may be the first type of treatment that might come to mind, there are other ways with which to treat pain from arthritis and they don't often involve a visit to the doctor.
So which arthritis medications are right for you? Since individual response to a specific medication can vary and because possible side effects are a factor, finding the most effective medication or combination of medications can be a more difficult process than one would expect. There are now over a 100 medications and drugs being used in the treatment of arthritis and patients should regularly review their regimen of prescription medications with their doctor on a regular basis.
Sometimes arthritis medications are shouldn't be given to specific patients and all medications have potential benefits and risks. Although much of conventional anti-arthritis medications are palliative, that is, they treat the symptoms, much of the newer research, and the therapies that hopefully will emerge, may provide much more substantial relief and perhaps even cure.
Because rheumatoid arthritis medications are known to have side effects, some quite serious, there is a growing interest in alternative therapies and often, natural arthritis medications are a great deal less expensive than their pharmaceutical counterparts. Professionals in the medical field believe there aren't any cures for arthritis and its symptoms, however many experts in natural therapy have contrasting beliefs.
Over the years, more and more people are becoming aware of the power that natural ingredients and treatments possess in not only treating joint pain, but also an infinite number of medical concerns. Natural arthritis medications instead of prescription medications are an option many individuals are taking in to consideration. Natural anti-inflammatory botanicals, nutritional supplements and herbal remedies may be considered as alternative therapies for rheumatoid arthritis. However, even natural medications can still interact with your current prescriptions, other natural drugs you are taking, or any medical condition.
Since great advances have been made over recent years in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis, it is no longer expected that a diagnosis indicates a lifetime of pain and misery with little relief. The more one knows about the causes, prevention and treatment of pain, the better the chances of an early recovery.
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